Go beyond the desktop – take your solutions to iPad and iPhone with FileMaker Go
FileMaker Go runs custom apps on iPad and iPhone and is available on the App Store. Connect to your data anywhere and easily share information with your team while on the go. Check inventory in the warehouse, create invoices during client visits, perform inspections onsite, and much more.
FileMaker Go 17 for iPad and iPhone has new mobility features so you and your team can do more on the go. It includes support for iOS sensors, a script to display local notifications on your device, and drag and drop of files and content between apps on iPad.
Some of the FileMaker Go solutions Databuzz has built include:
- a Pocket Resource Library for real estate agents containing marketing templates, scripts, training, audio, videos, learning content and more which they can access on the road or in the office (you can watch a short video about this app here)
- a solution for septic tank servicing, allowing technicians to complete a service report on-site and upload the data back to the office database and email the customer a Service Report PDF
- a solution for a removalist company to allow them to easily quote on new jobs and upload data back to the main office database
- a solution for a lighting technology company to allow electricians to capture details about current energy-use and develop energy-saving lighting solutions onsite
- an interface for the iPhone and iPad to fmSMS, our award-winning solution that allows you to send and receive SMS/TEXT Messages from FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Server and FileMaker WebDirect