Changes to the Shopify Product APIs
Earlier this month Shopify announced that the 2024-04 stable API release includes the new GraphQL product APIs that can support up to 2,000 variants per product. Previously the number of variants and options were fixed at 100 and 3. Our fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) solution has only ever used the REST product APIs (not the GraphQL APIs) and only supports custom apps, so it would appear that these changes would have no impact on the fmEcommerce Link solution.
However Shopify announced at the same time that they are also deprecating the REST product APIs. This means that the REST product APIs are in maintenance mode; all new features and support will be built only for the new GraphQL product APIs. Everything will continue to work as it currently does and nothing will break, but developers should expect that the GraphQL API will be the only supported API over the long term.
This means that we will need to update the fmEcommerce Link solution to switch from using the current REST product APIs to the GraphQL product APIs. Over the next few months we will explore the changes required to switch from the REST product APIs to the GraphQL product APIs. We’re hoping the impact will be minimal and a case of simply updating the FileMaker scripts that make API requests related to products and variants.
We will be updating the fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) v2 solution with these changes, so any customer that has purchased fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) v2 and has a current maintenance plan will automatically receive access to the updated version. All fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) customers receive 12 months of free updates – you can purchase an additional 12 months of updates from our online store if you original 12 months of updates has expired and you have not purchased another year of maintenance updates. If you’re not sure when access to free updates expires please get in touch and we will confirm your expiry date.
As the current REST product APIs are still supported by Shopify everything will continue to work as it currently does and there is no urgent need to update to the GraphQL API in the short term.
You can get more information about migrating to the new product model on the Shopify website here.
is the currently available version of fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) now using GraphQL or is it still using REST ?
(we have
Hi Gary – yes the fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) solution currently uses the REST Admin API. We’re working on changing from the REST Admin API to the GraphQL API and will have an updated version released later this year.