Entries by Andrew Duncan

FileMaker Inc. releases FileMaker 18 Platform

  FileMaker Inc. today released the FileMaker 18 Platform with new versions of FileMaker Pro Advanced, Server, FileMaker Go, FileMaker WebDirect and FileMaker Cloud for AWS. As with previous releases the FileMaker 18 platform has a number of new features for both customers and developers alike. This releases marks the fifth annual release that started with v14 […]

FileMaker 18 Platform Compatibility Update

The FileMaker 18 Platform was released today and we’re pleased to report that all Databuzz products are compatible with the FileMaker 18 Platform. There is one issue that you may encounter related to the installation of plug-ins in FileMaker Pro 18 Advanced depending on the version of the BaseElements plug-in that you have currently installed. When opening one […]

Coming Soon – fmESignature Link (DocuSign Edition)

For a number of years we’ve been helping customers automate the management of electronic document signing requests using the DocuSign platform, one of the most popular electronic signature platforms. Managing the workflow around the sending of documents to be signed (contracts, quotes, real estate tenancy agreements etc) can be challenging when you’re using an associated FileMaker custom business […]

Sending Messages from FileMaker to WhatsApp Users with Twilio

  Last month I attended the Twilio Engage + Superclass events in Melbourne, Australia. This was my second Twilio Engage event after attending last year’s Sydney event, but my first Superclass session. Superclass is hands-on training for developers to learn how to use all things Twilio, with Twilio engineers on hand to help as you work through code challenges in […]

Databuzz to Exhibit at the 2019 FileMaker Developer Conference

The FileMaker Developer Conference (DevCon) is on again this year in Orlando, Florida at the Gaylord Palms Resort from August 5-8, 2019. We’re excited to announce that we will be once again exhibiting at the conference. This year attendees can choose between a 2-Day and 3-Day conference program, as well as the traditional Training Day on the Monday. The Conference […]

fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) Now Supports FileMaker Cloud Server Scripts

We’re pleased to announce that fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) now supports server side scripts when hosted with FileMaker Cloud. There were never any issues when using a FileMaker Cloud hosted version of fmAccounting Link (Xero Edition) when using the FileMaker Pro client application as all communication with the Xero API is handled by the plugin running under […]

fmSMS Now Supports New Quiubas SMS API

fmSMS now supports the new Quiubas SMS API. Quiubas originally started as an SMS Gateway delivering to Mexico and now delivers to other countries in Latin America, including: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guadalupe Guatemala Haiti Honduras Martinique Mexico Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico Uruguay Venezuela You can download […]

2018 – Another Big Year for APIs

2018 was another big year for the API (application programming interface) economy – the ProgrammableWeb directory, which tracks APIs, passed the 19,000-API mark in January of 2018 and currently sits at 20,653 on the last day of 2018. There has been an explosion in growth in the last 5 years, with more than 2,000 APIs being […]

Using DocuSign Webhooks to Push Completed PDF files to FileMaker Server

Earlier this year we wrote about how you can integrate FileMaker with DocuSign, the leading electronic signature platform, to automate the electronic document signing workflow using the FileMaker platform. In that article and video we demonstrated how you could generate a PDF from a FileMaker layout with merge fields then send a document signing request to […]

fmEcommerce Link (WooCommerce Edition) Now Supports Order Uploads

Since we first released fmEcommerce Link (WooCommerce Edition) back in 2016 we’ve had a number of requests from customers asking us to include the ability to upload Orders from FileMaker to WooCommerce. fmEcommerce Link was created from a solution we built for our own business to solve a very pressing problem at the time – automate the downloading […]