Opening Data Manager

An icon/shortcut will be placed on your desktop named Open Data Manager after Data Manager has been installed on your computer. Simply double click this icon to open Data Manager which will ask you for your Account Name and Password (see your office Data Manager administrator if you are not sure of these details).

Account Name: this should be your full name (ie. your first name, then a space, then your surname e.g. "John Smith")

Password: the default password is data (note that password's in Data Manage are case sensitive)

Once you have successfully entered your Account Name and Password you will have to accept the Data Manager Licence Agreement and you will then be taken to the Data Manager Home Screen.


Navigation Tips

The more you use Data Manager the more familiar you will be with navigating your way around the different modules. As you become familar with Data Manager keep the following points in mind:



Go to the First Record in the Current Found Set of Records

Go to the Previous Record to the current record you are viewing/selected

Go to the Next Record to the current record you are viewing/selected

Go to the Last Record in the Current Found Set of Records