Below is a summary with examples where appropriate of each field in the Contacts database. Use this is a reference for getting started if you are not sure what type of information to enter into each field:
Title - the title of the Contact. For example Mr or Mrs.
First Name - the first name of the Contact. For example John.
Surname - the surname or last name of the Contact. For example Smith.
Company - the company name of the Contact. For example Smith Cleaning Pty Ltd.
Occupation/Position - the job title/position of the Contact. For example Salesperson.
Formal Greeting - the formal greeting as you would like it to appear at the top of the address on an envelope, mailing label or letter of the Contact. For example Mr and Mrs Smith.
Dear - the personal greeting that you would like to use in letters, emails or SMS/TXT messages of the Contact. For example John or Mr Smith.
Phone Home - the home phone number of the Contact. For example 02 1234 5678.
Phone Work - the work phone number of the Contact. For example 02 9999 8888.
Phone Mobile - the mobile phone number of the Contact (required to send SMS/TXT Messages to the Contact). For example 0412 345 678. Tip: when entering a mobile phone number always enter it as the number you would dial if you were calling the mobile phone from the same country. You must also enter the correct country for the Contact (it defaults to Australia) as both the mobile phone number and country are used to determine the correct recipient address in the required international format. For example if you wanted to send an SMS to the mobile phone number 0412 345 678 in Australia you would enter the mobile phone number as 0412 345 678 and select Australia as the Country in the Postal Address Country field. Behind the scenes when sending the SMS/TXT Message Data Manager will format the recipient's number as 61412345678. Never enter the mobile phone number in the international dialling format if you plan to send an SMS/TXT Message to that number.
Fax - the fax number of the Contact. For example 02 6655 4477.
Email - the email address of the Contact. For example
Website - the website address of the Contact (you can click the web viewer button to view the website in a Data Manager web viewer). For example
Address Line 1 (Postal or Street) - the first line of the address of the Contact. For example 22 Smith St or Level 1 or PO Box 100.
Address Line 2 (Postal or Street) - the second line of the address of the Contact. For example Building A25.
Suburb (Postal or Street) - the suburb of the address of the Contact. For example Bondi.
State (Postal or Street) - the state of the address of the Contact. For example NSW.
Postcode (Postal or Street) - the postcode of the address of the Contact. For example 2000.
Country (Postal or Street) - the country of the address of the Contact (automatically enters "Australia"). For example Australia. The Postal Country is required if sending SMS/TXT messages so it can generate the recipient's mobile phone number in the international format (e.g. 61412345678 for Australia)
Category One - allows you to categorise your Contacts into segments so you can search and sort them in the future. You can enter up to 4 possible categories for each Contact. For example Customer or Potential Client.
Salesperson - the name of the salesperson or staff member/employee that is assigned to this Contact. Data Manager automatically enters the User Account Name of the current user. The drop down value list shows all User Accounts for your copy of Data Manager. For example Fred Jones.
Lead Source - the origin of the Contact to your business. Tracking the origin or the lead source allows you to work out where your customers are coming from (or where they are not coming from) and to help you make decisions about where to market your business in the future (and where not to). There is a Lead Source report that you can generate along with a Chart to see a breakdown of your Customers. For example Cold Call or Newspaper Ad.
Date of Birth - the date of birth of the Contact. For example 01/08/1965.
Age - the age in Years of the Contact. This is calculated automatically based on their Date of Birth. For example 35.
Newsletter - whether the Contact is part of a Newsletter group (default is No). For example Yes or No.
Xmas Card - whether the Contact is part of a Xmas Card group (default is No). For example Yes or No.
Do Not Contact - whether the Contact is part of a Do Not Contact group (default is No). You might have Contacts that you do not wish to delete but who have requested that you NOT contact them via email, SMS or mail merge letters with promotional offers etc. For example Yes or No.